UK Transport & Distribution

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UK Transport and Distribution

Whites Transport Ltd fleet operates throughout the UK from three depots in Kent and Northamptonshire, allowing us to offer night trunk services between depots and next day coverage across the UK.

Our experienced transport team is on hand to provide the most suitable solution to your logistics requirements.

Our general transport department includes 44,000kg gross articulated vehicles with trailers ranging from euroliner, tautliner, flatbed, psk/skeletal and grab trailers, in addition to rigid flatbed vehicles from 12,000kg to 32,000kg gross.

All vehicles are fitted with fleet telematics, providing our customers with regular, accurate updates on load status, and are compliant to FORS Gold, Crossrail, CLOCS and Thames Tideway standards.

Load consolidation and onward distribution available from all sites.

Express delivery from small vans up to 44 tonne articulated vehicles.

Bespoke transport solutions – abnormal loads, just in time deliveries, stand trailers.

Strong links with freight partners across UK and Europe, to provide premium service at competitive rates.

Our construction logistics department is equipped and experienced to offer the best solution for your logistics requirements.

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